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الاثنين، 28 ديسمبر 2009

International Checked Baggage Fees - You Knew It Was Coming

You had to know it was coming – just a matter of time. That’s right. The dominoes are falling on checked bag charges for international flights. Exempt heretofore, checked baggage is no longer off limits when it comes to those ubiquitous add-on fees.

The overhead bin real estate just went up in value.

Delta Airlines started the trend by imposing a $50 fee for the second checked bag on flights between the U.S. and Europe.

Next onboard was American Airlines who announced last week that they too would begin charging $50 for the second checked bag for some trans-Atlantic tickets purchased after September 14. The fee applies to American flights between the U.S. and India, plus Belgium, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.

Not to be out done, US Airways is also charging $50 for the second checked bag on flights between the U.S. and Europe as of August 26 for travel on or after October 7.

Continental Airlines quickly reacted by announcing their own $50 fee for the second checked bag for certain international flights on tickets purchased as of August 26 for travel on or after September 15.

So far, United Airlines hasn’t fallen yet, but I’ll bet they’ve gotten the memo by now. Stay tuned and don’t be surprised if they also match fee for fee.

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